Ambassador of the regime in Costa Rica warns Costa Rican deputy not to associate with exiled leader The ambassador of the Cuban regime in Costa Rica warned a congressman not to meet with Orlando Gutiérrez-Boronat again.
Embajador del régimen en Costa Rica advierte a diputado tico que no se relacione con líder exiliado El embajador del régimen cubano en Costa Rica advirtió a un diputado que no volviera a reunirse con Orlando Gutiérrez-Boronat
"Counterrevolution, scum, mercenaries": that's how Mariela Castro refers to those who criticize her. "That's how they live, by offending and denigrating, being themselves the worst human beings," opined a netizen on social network X.
“Contrarrevolución, gusanera, mercenariado”: así llama Mariela Castro a quienes la critican "De eso viven, de ofender y denostar, siendo ellos mismos los peores seres humanos", opinó un internauta en la red social X
Raúl Castro interrupts the National Assembly shouting Raúl wanted "an applause" for the Minister of Industries.
Raúl Castro interrumpe a gritos la Asamblea Nacional Raúl quería "un aplauso" para el ministro de Industrias.
Raúl Castro interrupts the National Assembly with shouts Raúl wanted "an applause" for the Minister of Industries.