A woman was found deceased behind a bus stop in La Lisa.

The victim, apparently, would have come from another province to the capital to visit her daughter.

A woman was found deceased behind a bus stop in La Lisa.

On social media, it was reported that the lifeless body of a woman was found behind a bus stop in San Agustín, municipality of La Lisa, in Havana. The posts indicated that she was presumably the victim of a robbery that ended in homicide.

A netizen named Ernesto Sánchez commented on Facebook that several people passed by while the body was at that location. Passersby thought the woman had fallen asleep in a seated position.

The user also pointed out that the victim was between 40 and 50 years old. Also, he mentioned that the woman had arrived from a province to visit her daughter in Havana.

“The daughter has a 9-month-old girl, the suffering is killing her; she couldn’t go down to where her mother’s body was,” commented Sánchez, referring to the fact that the body was precisely at the address on 250th street, between 35th and 37th.

Local authorities are conducting an investigation to clarify the details of the crime and find the perpetrator. It emerged that the woman might have been murdered with a cut to her neck.

This incident has been widely discussed on social media. Dozens of comments are related to the insecurity that is currently experienced on the Island due to the lack of effective measures to fight crime.

“While they keep a large number of young people and others not so young in prisons for thinking differently, criminals on the streets are enjoying Impunity,” said the citizen Juan A. Iglesias.

For her part, the netizen Elena Soto opined: “It’s incredible, every day the news in Cuba is about three or more murders or missing people, what is happening? Why don’t the country’s leaders talk about the violence? It seems that right now, no one is the authority in Cuba.”

This incident occurred two days after confirming the death of the Cuban American Yorjelguis Bolaño Fernández in the province of Mayabeque. This man disappeared on January 7, and his body was found near the Animal Science Institute, located in San José de las Lajas.

The authorities have arrested four suspects, who, apparently, were trusted individuals for the victim, whose car was found dismantled in a garage in San Miguel del Padrón, Havana.

Relatives of Bolaño Fernández commented that he was murdered as part of a robbery, which occurred after he visited a private kiosk in San José de las Lajas. This man had arrived from the United States to visit his family in Madruga.